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谢志元 研究员 |
博士生导师,有机光电子学 | |
主楼425室 | |
电话:(86)431-85262819 | |
传真:(86)431-85262126 | |
Email:xiezy_n@ciac.ac.cn |
教育和工作经历 |
1989-1993年, 吉林大学材料科学系, 本科 1993-1996年, 吉林大学材料科学系, 硕士 1996-1999年, 吉林大学电子工程系, 博士 1999-2000年, 长春应用化学研究所高分子物理与化学国家重点实验室博士后 2000-2003年, 香港城市大学物理及材料科学系, 访问学者 2003.12-, 长春应用化学研究所, 研究员 |
学术兼职 |
Current Physical Chemistry, 编委(2015-) |
主要荣誉 |
国家杰出青年科学基金 (2013年) |
研究兴趣 |
(1) 金属/有机半导体、有机半导体/有机半导体界面物理与光物理 (2) 高分子薄膜太阳能电池 (3) 有机/聚合物电致发光材料与器件 (4) 无机/有机杂化钙钛矿发光二极管 |
研究资助 |
国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目、重点项目、创新研究群体项目、科技部973项目、吉林省科技厅科技引导计划项目 |
研究领域和现状 |
1:有机/高分子太阳能电池材料及器件 有机高分子太阳能电池是近年来出现的光电转换新技术,该类型器件可采用打印、印刷等方法进行加工,通过类似于制造摄影胶卷的“卷对卷” (roll to roll)加工流程制备柔性高分子薄膜太阳能电池,大大简化了制造工艺和降低了成本。我们致力于开发新型可溶液加工界面材料和发展薄膜凝聚态结构调控方法及其构效关系研究; 开发全印刷电池材料和制备工艺, 制备高效率全印刷有机光伏电池,形成产业化关键技术.
2:溶液加工有机高分子电致发光器件(OLED/PLED) 有机电致发光二极管(OLED)是新一代显示和照明技术。与传统LCD技术相比,具有一系列技术优势。其中溶液加工型有机和高分子发光器件由于可采用廉价印刷和打印工艺,成为实现大面积、柔性OLED显示和照明应用的不二之选。当前我们围绕湿法OLED/PLED器件结构设计和薄膜形态控制两个核心主题,主要开展基础性研究工作,研发高性能显示和白光照明器件,形成关键制备技术。 3:有机半导体光物理与界面物理 有机半导体薄膜/器件光物理和界面物理问题,涉及到电极/活性层以及给体/受体界面的激子的产生和解离、电荷注入和收集等关键过程。研究通过界面能级调控、活性层材料配对和形貌精确控制、器件结构的设计等手段有效管理和调控太阳能电池和发光器件中光物理和关键界面的物理过程,继而为设计制备高性能有机高分子光电功能器件提供理论依据。 4:钙钛矿发光二极管 有机无机杂化钙钛矿发光二极管成为新兴的国际热点研究领域,它具有材料廉价、器件结构简单、发光颜色易调节、发光光谱带隙窄(FWHM~20nm)、高亮度和高发光量子效率等优势,成为继OLEDs和Q-LEDs之后另一类有重要发展潜力的显示和照明技术。目前, 我们在器件结构设计、加工工艺和材料结构设计方面开展了系列的研究工作,期望在器件高性能化、全彩显示和稳定性方面获得突破促进该领域的快速发展。 |
主要代表性论文 |
1.Xingdong Lin, Yunhui Zhu, Baohua Zhang,* Xiaofei Zhao, Bing Yao, Yanxiang Cheng,* Zhanguo Li, Yi Qu,* and Zhiyuan Xie*, Highly Efficient TADF Polymer Electroluminescence with Reduced Efficiency Roll-off via Interfacial Exciplex Host Strategy,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2018, 10, 47-52.
2.Yongzhang Zhu, Xiaofei Zhao, Baohua Zhang,* Bing Yao, Zhanguo Li, Yi Qu,* Zhiyuan Xie*, Very Efficient Green Light-emitting Diodes based on Polycrystalline CH(NH3)2PbBr3 Film Achieved by Regulating Precursor Concentration and Employing Novel Anti-solvent.Organic Electronics,2018, 55, 35-41. 3.Xuejing Liu, Bing Yao, Hailong Wang, Baohua Zhang,* Xingdong Lin, Xiaofei Zhao, Yanxiang Cheng, Zhiyuan Xie*, Wai-Yeung Wong,* Efficient Solution-processed Yellow/orange Phosphorescent OLEDs based on Heteroleptic Ir(Ⅲ) Complexes with 2-(9,9-diethylfluorene-2-yl)pyridine Main Ligand and Various Ancillary Ligands.Organic Electronics,2018, 54, 197-203. 4.Tianmu Zhang, Changsheng Shi, Chenyang Zhao, Zhongbin Wu, Ning Sun, Jiangshan Chen, Zhiyuan Xie* and Dongge Ma* High efficiency phosphorescent white organic light-emitting diodes with low efficiency roll-off achieved by strategic exciton management based on simple ultrathin emitting layer structures,J. Mater. Chem. C,2017,5, 12833-12838. 5.Qian Liu, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Nianyong Zhu, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie*, Lixiang Wang, Pierre D. Harvey*, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of new ruthenium(II)-bis(aryleneethynylene) complexes,J. Organomet. Chem.,2017,846, 277-286. 6.Xiaoqin Zhang, JiangWu, He Liu, JiantaiWang, Xiaofei Zhao, Zhiyuan Xie*, Efficient flexible polymer solar cells based on solution-processed reduced graphene oxideeAssisted silver nanowire transparent electrode,Organic Electronics2017,50, 255-263. 7.Xiaoqin Zhang, Jiang Wu, Jiantai Wang, Qingqing Yang, Baohua Zhang, and Zhiyuan Xie*, Low-Temperature All-Solution-Processed Transparent Silver Nanowire-Polymer/AZO Nanoparticles Composite Electrodes for Efficient ITO-Free Polymer Solar Cells,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2016,8, 34630-34637. 8.Jiantai Wang, Chi Yan, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xiaofei Zhao, Yingying Fu,Baohua Zhang and Zhiyuan Xie*, High-efficiency polymer solar cells employing solution-processible and thickness-independent gallium-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles as cathode buffer layers,J. Mater. Chem. C,2016,4, 10820—10826. 9.Xiaofei Zhao, Baohua Zhang,* Ruyan Zhao, Bing Yao, Xuejing Liu, Jun Liu,and Zhiyuan Xie*, Simple and Efficient Green-Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Thin Organolead Bromide Perovskite Films via Tuning Precursor Ratios and Postannealing Temperature,J. Phys. Chem. Lett.2016,7, 4259?4266. 10.Yingying Fu, Bei Wang, Jianfei Qu, Yang Wu, Wei Ma,* Yanhou Geng,*Yanchun Han, and Zhiyuan Xie*, Fullerene-Free Polymer Solar Cells with Open-Circuit Voltage above 1.2 V: Tuning Phase Separation Behavior with Oligomer to Replace Polymer Acceptor,Adv. Funct. Mater.2016,26, 5922-5929. 11.Xiaoqin Zhang, Jiang Wu, Jiantai Wang, Jun Zhang, Qingqing Yang, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie*, Highly conductive PEDOT:PSS transparent electrode prepared by a post-spin-rinsing method for efficient ITO-free polymer solar cells,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells,2016,144, 143-149. 12.Jian Wu, Yingying Fu, Hao Huang, Shengxia Li, Zhiyuan Xie* and Qing Zhang*, Photovoltaic properties of 3,30-(ethane-1,2-diylidene)-bis(indolin-2-one) based conjugated Polymers,RSC Adv.,2016,6, 11888-11894. 13.Shifan Wang, Qingqing Yang, Youtian Tao,* Yan Guo, Jie Yang, Yanan Liu,Lingyun Zhao, Zhiyuan Xie* and Wei Huang*, Fully conjugated block copolymers for single-component solar cells: synthesis, purification, and characterization,New J. Chem.,2016,40, 1825-1833. 14.Jiantai Wang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Qingqing Yang, Chi Yan,Yingying Fu,Baohua Zhang and Zhiyuan Xie*, Efficient polymer solar cells employing pure ZnO cathode interlayers without thickness-dependent and light-soaking effect and negligible electrode selection,RSC Adv.,2016,6, 25744-25750. 15.Xuejing Liu, Bing Yao, Zilong Zhang, Xiaofei Zhao, Baohua Zhang,*Wai-Yeung Wong,* Yanxiang Chenga and Zhiyuan Xie*, Power-efficient solution-processed red organic light-emitting diodes based on an exciplex host and a novel phosphorescent iridium complex,J. Mater. Chem. C,2016,4, 5787-5794. 16.Ruyan Zhao, Chuandong Dou,* Zhiyuan Xie,* Jun Liu,* and Lixiang Wang, Polymer Acceptor Based on B-N Units with Enhanced Electron Mobility for Efficient All-Polymer Solar Cells,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016,55, 5313-5317. 17.Qingqing Yang, Chi Yan, Jiang Wu, Xiaoqin Zhang, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie*, Morphology-dependent charge recombination through localized states in polymer/polymer blend solar cells,Organic Electronics,2016,33, 55-61. 18.Isoindigo-based low bandgap conjugated polymer for o-xylene processed efficient polymer solar cells with thick active layers, Dong Xin, Deng Yunfeng, Tian Hongkun, Xie Zhiyuan, Geng Yanhou*, Wang Fosong,J. Mater. Chem. A,2015,3, 19928-19935. 19.Ultrahigh Color-Stable, Solution-Processed, White OLEDs Using a Dendritic Binary Host and Long-Wavelength Dopants with Different Charge Trapping Depths, Wang Shumeng, Zhang Baohua*, Wang Xingdong, Ding Junqiao, Xie Zhiyuan, Wang Lixiang*,Adv. Opt. Mater.,2015,3, 1349-1354. 20.Facile Preparation of Molybdenum Bronzes as an Efficient Hole Extraction Layer in Organic Photovoltaics, Wang Jiantai, Zhang Jun, Meng Bin, Zhang Baohua, Xie Zhiyuan*, Wang Lixiang,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2015,7(24), 13590-13596. 21.Lihui Liu, Xuejing Liu, Baohua Zhang,* Junqiao Ding, Zhiyuan Xie,* and Lixiang Wang, Binary solvent mixture-induced aggregation of carbazole dendrimer host toward enhancing the performance of solution-processed blue electrophosphorescent devices,J. Mater. Chem. C,2015,3, 5050-5055. 22.Jun Zhang, Jiantai Wang, Yingying Fu, Baohua Zhang, and Zhiyuan Xie*, Sonochemistry-synthesized CuO nanoparticles as anode interfacial material for efficient and stable polymer solar cells,RSC Adv.,2015,5, 28786-28793. 23.Yingying Fu, Qingqing Yang, Yunfeng Deng, Wei Jiang, Zhaohui Wang*, Yanhou Geng*, Zhiyuan Xie *, Suppressed charge recombination in polymer solar cells based on perylene diimide derivative acceptors via solvent vapor annealing,Organic Electronics2015,18, 24–31. 24.Xuejing Liu, Shumeng Wang, Bing Yao, Baohua Zhang*, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Yanxiang Cheng, Zhiyuan Xie*, New deep-red heteroleptic iridium complex with 3-hexylthiophene for solution-processed organic light-emitting diodes emitting saturated red and high CRI white colors,Organic Electronics2015,21, 1–8. 25.Qingqing Yang, Jiantai Wang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Jun Zhang, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie*, Constructing vertical phase separation of polymer blends via mixed solvents to enhance their photovoltaic performance,Sci. China. Chem.,2015,58, 309-316. 26.Jun Zhang, Jiantai Wang, Yingying Fu, Baohua Zhang, and Zhiyuan Xie*, Efficient and stable polymer solar cells with annealing-free solution-processible NiO nanoparticles as anode buffer layer,J. Mater. Chem. C,2014,2 (39), 8295-8302. 27.Lihui Liu, Xuejing Liu, Keqi Wu, Junqiao Ding, Baohua Zhang*, Zhiyuan Xie*, Lixiang Wang, Efficient solution-processed blue phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes with halogen-free solvent to optimize the emissive layer morphology,Organic electronics,2014,15, 1401-1406. 28.Qingqing Yang, Haiyang Song, Bingrong Gao, Yan Wang, Yingying Fu, Junwei Yang, Zhiyuan Xie* and Lixiang Wang, High open-circuit voltage polymer/polymer blend solar cells with a polyfluorene copolymer as the electron acceptor,RSC Advances,2014,4, 12579-12585. 29.Jianfei Qu, Bingrong Gao, Hongkun Tian, Xiaojie Zhang, Yan Wang, Zhiyuan Xie,* Haiyu Wang, Yanhou Geng* and Fosong Wang, Donor–spacer–acceptor monodisperse conjugated co-oligomers for efficient singlemolecule photovoltaic cells based on nonfullerene acceptors,J. Mater. Chem. A,2014,2, 3632–3640. 30.Yunfeng Deng, Jian Liu, Jiantai Wang, Lihui Liu, Weili Li, Hongkun Tian, Xiaojie Zhang, Zhiyuan Xie,* Yanhou Geng,* and Fosong Wang, Dithienocarbazole and Isoindigo based Amorphous Low Bandgap Conjugated Polymers for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells,Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 471–476. 31.Jian Liu, Shuyan Shao, Gang Fang, Jiantai Wang, Bin Meng, Zhiyuan Xie*, Lixiang Wang, High-efficiency inverted tandem polymer solar cells with step-Al-doped MoO3interconnection layer,Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells2014, 120, 744–750 32.Jian Liu, Jiang Wu, Shuyan Shao, Yunfeng Deng, Bin Meng, Zhiyuan Xie,* Yanhou Geng, Lixiang Wang, and Fengling Zhang, Printable Highly-conductive Conjugated Polymer Sensitized ZnO NCs as Cathode Interfacial Layer for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2014, 6, 8237-8245. 33.Bing-Rong Gao, Jian-Fei Qu, Yan Wang, Lei Wang, Qi-Dai Chen, Hong-Bo Sun, Yan-Hou Geng, Hai-Yu Wang*, and Zhi-Yuan Xie*, Femtosecond Spectroscopic Study of Photoinduced Charge Separation and Recombination in the Donor-Acceptor Co-oligomers for Solar Cells,J. Phys. Chem. C2013, 117, 4836?4843. 34.Baohua Zhang, Lihui Liu, Guiping Tan, Bing Yao, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Shumeng Wang, Junqiao Ding, Zhiyuan Xie,* Wai-Yeung Wong* and Lixiang Wang, Interfacial triplet confinement for achieving efficient solution-processed deep-blue and white electrophosphorescent devices with underestimated poly(N-vinylcarbazole) as the host,J. Mater. Chem. C,2013, 1 (32), 4933 – 4939. 35.Bin Meng, Gang Fang, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie* and Lixiang Wang, Fine tuning of the PCDTBT-OR:PC71BM blend nanoscale phase separation via selective solvent annealing toward high-performance polymer photovoltaics,Nanotechnology2013,24, 484004. 36.Baohua Zhang, Guiping Tan, Ching-Shan Lam, Bing Yao, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Lihui Liu,Zhiyuan Xie,* Wai-Yeung Wong,* Junqiao Ding, and Lixiang Wang*, High-Efficiency Single Emissive Layer White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Solution-Processed Dendritic Host and New Orange-Emitting Iridium Complex,Adv. Mater.2012, 24, 1873-1877. 37.Jian Liu, Shuyan Shao, Gang Fang, Bin Meng, Zhiyuan Xie, * and Lixiang Wang, High-Efficiency Inverted Polymer Solar Cells with Transparent and Work-Function Tunable MoO3-Al Composite Film as Cathode Buffer Layer,Adv. Mater.2012, 24, 2774-2779. 38.Jian Liu, Shuyan Shao, Bin Meng, Gang Fang, Zhiyuan Xie,* Lixiang Wang, Xinglin Li, Enhancement of inverted polymer solar cells with solution-processed ZnO-TiOx composite as cathode buffer layer,Appl. Phys. Lett.2012, 100, 213906. 39.Gang Fang, Jian Liu, Yingying Fu, Bin Meng, Baohua Zhang, Zhiyuan Xie,* Lixiang Wang, Improving the nanoscale morphology and processibility for PCDTBT-based polymer solar cells via solvent mixtures,Org. Electron.2012, 13, 2733–2740. 40.Shuyan Shao, Jian Liu, Jidong Zhang, Baohua Zhang, Zhiyuan Xie,* Yanhou Geng, and Lixiang Wang, Interface-Induced Crystalline Ordering and Favorable Morphology for Efficient Annealing-Free Poly(3-hexylthiophene): Fullerene Derivative Solar Cells,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2012, 4, 5704?5710. 41.Shuying Ma, Yingying Fu, Debin Ni, Jian Mao, Zhiyuan Xie* and Guoli Tu*, Spiro-fluorene based 3D donor towards efficient organic photovoltaics,Chem. Commun.,2012, 48, 11847–11849. 42.Shuyan Shao, Jian Liu, Baohua Zhang, Zhiyuan Xie*, and Lixiang Wang, Enhanced stability of zinc oxide-based hybrid polymer solar cells by manipulating ultraviolet light distribution in the active layer,Appl. Phys. Lett.2011, 98, 203304. 43.Shuyan Shao, Fengmin Liu, Gang Fang, Baohua Zhang, Zhiyuan Xie*, Lixiang Wang, Enhanced performances of hybrid polymer solar cells with p-methoxybenzoic acid modified zinc oxide nanoparticles as an electron acceptor,Org. Electron.2011,12, 641–647. 44.Guobing Zhang, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie*, and Qing Zhang*,Synthesis and Photovoltaic Properties of New Low Bandgap Isoindigo-Based Conjugated Polymers,Macromolecules2011, 44, 1414–1420 45.Lei Chen, Pengcheng Li, Yanxiang Cheng, Zhiyuan Xie*, Lixiang Wang*, Xiabin Jing, and Fosong Wang, White Electroluminescence from Star-like Single Polymer Systems: 2,1,3-Benzothiadiazole Derivatives Dopant as Orange Cores and Polyfluorene Host as Six Blue Arms,Adv. Mater.2011, 23, 2986–2990. 46.Fengmin Liu, Shuyan Shao, Xiaoyang Guo, Yun Zhao, and Zhiyuan Xie*, Efficient polymer photovoltaic cells using solution-processed MoO3as anode buffer layer,Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells2010,94, 842–845. 47.Shuyan Shao, Fengmin Liu, Zhiyuan Xie,*, and Lixiang Wang, High-Efficiency Hybrid Polymer Solar Cells with Inorganic P- and N-Type Semiconductor Nanocrystals to Collect Photogenerated Charges,J. Phys. Chem. C2010, 114, 9161–9166. 48.Xiaodi Niu, Baohua Zhang, Zhiyuan Xie*,Yanxiang Cheng, and Lixiang Wang, Balanced charge transport and enhanced white electroluminescence from a single white emissive polymer via thermal annealing,Appl. Phys. Lett.2010, 96, 073303. 49.Baohua Zhang,Chuanjiang Qin, Xiaodi Niu, Zhiyuan Xie*,Yanxiang Cheng, Lixiang Wang, and Xinglin Li, on the origin of efficient electron injection at phosphonate-functionalized polyfluorene/aluminum interface in efficient polymer light-emitting diodes,Appl. Phys. Lett.,2010,97, 043506. 50.Xiaoyang Guo, Fengmin Liu, Bin Meng, Zhiyuan Xie *, Lixiang Wang, Efficient tandem polymer photovoltaic cells using inorganic metal oxides as a transparent middle connection unit,Org.Electron.2010,11, 1230–1233 51.Baohua Zhang, Chuanjiang Qin, Junqiao Ding, Lei Chen, zhiyuan Xie,*Yanxiang Cheng,andLixiang Wang, High-Performance All-Polymer White-Light-Emitting Diodes Using Polyfluorene Containing Phosphonate Groups as an Efficient Electron-Injection Layer,Adv. Funct. Mater.2010, 20, 2951–2957. 52.Guobing Zhang,Yingying Fu,Qing Zhang*and Zhiyuan Xie*, Benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b’] dithiophene-dioxopyrrolothiophen copolymers for high performance solar cells,Chem. Commun.,2010, 46, 4997–4999. 53.Yun Zhao, Zhiyuan Xie*,Chuanjiang Qin, Yao Qu, Yanhou Geng and LixiangWang,Enhanced charge collection in polymer photovoltaic cells by using anethanol-soluble conjugated polyfluorene as cathode buffer layer,Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells2009,93, 604–608. 54.Xiaoyang Guo, Fengmin Liu, Wei Yue, Zhiyuan Xie*, Yanhou Geng, Lixiang Wang, Efficient tandem polymer photovoltaic cells with two subcells in parallel connection,Org.Electron.2009,10, 1174–1177. 55.Baohua Zhang, Wenmu Li, Junwei Yang, Yingying Fu, Zhiyuan Xie*, Suobo Zhang, and Lixiang Wang, Performance Enhancement of Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes by Using Ultrathin Fluorinated Polyimide Modifying the Surface of Poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene):Poly(styrenesulfonate),J. Phys. Chem. C2009, 113, 7898–7903 56.Yun Zhao,Shuyan Shao, Zhiyuan Xie*, Yanhou Geng and Lixiang Wang,Effect of Poly (3-hexylthiophene) Nanofibrils on Charge Separation and Transport inPolymer Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells,J. Phys. Chem. C2009, 113, 17235–17239 57.Jianhua Hou, Jiang Wu, Zhiyuan Xie,* and Lixiang Wang, Efficient inverted top-emitting organic light-emitting diodes using ultrathin MoO3/C60 bilayer structure to enhance hole injection,Appl. Phys. Lett.2009,95, 203508. 58.Guijiang Zhou, Wai-Yeung Wong*, Bing Yao, Zhiyuan Xie*, and Lixiang Wang, Triphenylamine-Dendronized Pure Red Iridium Phosphors with Superior OLED Efficiency/Color Purity Trade-Offs,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2007, 46, 1148-1151 59.Cheuk-Lam Ho, Wai-Yeung Wong,* Gui-Jiang Zhou, Bing Yao, Zhiyuan Xie,* and Lixiang Wang,Solution-Processible Multi-component Cyclometalated Iridium Phosphors for High-Efficiency Orange-Emitting OLEDs and their potential use as white light sources,Adv. Funct. Mater.2007,17, 2925–2936. |
成果评述 |
近年来先后承担科技部973项目课题、国家自然科学基金委杰出青年科学基金和面上项目、中国科学院战略先导项目课题等科研项目十余项。已经在包括Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Chem.Comm.、Appl. Phys. Lett. 等期刊上发表SCI收录论文180多篇, 论文他引4000余次。多篇篇研究论文在Chem. Rev.、Chem. Soc. Rev、Energy Environ. Sci.、Adv. Mater.、Nano Today等期刊的综述文章中被国际同行多次评述。2篇工作被欧洲物理学会的“Europhysics news”期刊和“J. Phys. Chem. Lett”期刊以亮点工作的形式给予专项介绍。2篇研究工作被美国物理学会和美国物理联合会主办的期刊“Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology”给予转载报道。已申请中国专利20件,其中授权专利18件。2007年获吉林省科学技术奖一等奖1项。作为核心成员,在2007年、2010年获得国家自然科学基金创新研究群体、中科院-国家外专局创新团队国际合作伙伴计划支持。 |
研究组人员概况 |
吴江 助理研究员 付莹莹 助理研究员 |
地 址:中国·吉林省长春市人民大街5625号 邮 编:130022 电 话:86-0431-85262125