报告题目: Controlled Synthesis of Graphene and Carbon Materials for Electronics and Energy Storage 报 告 人: 冯新亮 教授 单 位: 上海交通大学/Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research 报告时间: 2011年06月24日(星期五)上午9:30 报告地点: 主楼四楼学术报告厅(410房间) |
冯新亮 教授,上海交通大学/Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research | |
2001年毕业于中国地质大学,2008年在马普高分子研究所获得博士学位,2007年起成为高分子研究所 “project leader”,2011年起任上海交通大学化学化工学院教授。 当前研究兴趣:The synthesis and self-organization of extended graphene molecules, novel conjugated oligomers and polymers, and testing for applications in organic electronic devices, fabrication of solution processable graphene sheets for transparent electrodes, graphene-based 2D nanomaterials and low-dimensional nanostructured functional carbon-rich as well as hybrid materials for energy storage and conversion. | |
Controlled Synthesis of Graphene and Carbon Materials for Electronics and Energy Storage | |
地 址:中国·吉林省长春市人民大街5625号 邮 编:130022 电 话:86-0431-85262125