
高分子科学系列讲座111讲:Nanocomposite and Thin Film Formation: From Nanoclusters to Domains

文章来源:    发布时间:2011-07-19
报告题目: Nanocomposite and Thin Film Formation: From Nanoclusters to Domains
报告人 :Dr. Stephan Roth
单  位:德国同步辐射中心

Thin films open new fields in science and technology. Especially polymer-metal nanocomposites, polymeric and colloidal thin films play an ever increasing role in modern information and energy science. In the case of metal-polymer nanocomposites, this is owing to their outstanding physical properties, being an effect of the confinement of the electrons in the nanoscopic structure, while polymeric and colloidal thin films allow for installing large scale ordered arrays. To tailor these functional films, a multitude of deposition methods is used. To name just a few are solution casting [1,2] or sputter deposition [3,4]. To obtain the structure-function relationship a multitude of methods is applied. On the one hand, structural information on the nanometer to micrometer scale is obtained using grazing incidence small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering [5]. Especially the the combination of micro- and nanobeams and special techniques such as GISAXS-tomography allow for spatially resolved investigations of heterogeneous structures on multiple length scales [6,7]. On the other hand, to obtain the structure-function relationship, the in-situ combination with complementary methods is very useful. This includes the novel combination with imaging ellipsometry or microfluidic setups [9]. I will present the state-of-the art research examples and will give an outlook on future trends in these areas.

  [1] S. V. Roth, A. Rothkirch, T. Autenrieth, R. Gehrke, T. Wroblewski, M. C. Burghammer, C. Riekel, L. Schulz, R. Hengstler, and P. Müller-Buschbaum, Langmuir, 26, 1496 (2010)
  [2] S. V. Roth, T. Autenrieth, G. Grübel, C. Riekel, M. Burghammer, R. Hengstler, L. Schulz, and P. Müller-Buschbaum, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 091915 (2007)
  [3] A. Buffet, M. M. Abul Kashem, K. Schlage, S. Couet, R. Röhlsberger, A. Rothkirch, G. Herzog, E. Metwalli, R. Meier, G. Kaune, M. Rawolle, P. Müller-Buschbaum, R. Gehrke, and S.V. Roth, Langmuir 27, 343 (2011)
  [4] S.V. Roth, H. Walter, M. Burghammer, C. Riekel, B. Lengeler, C. Schroer, M. Kuhlmann, T. Walther, A. Sehrbrock, R. Domnick, P. Müller-Buschbaum, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 021910 (2006)
  [5] J. Perlich, _ J. Rubeck, S. Botta, R. Gehrke, S. V. Roth, M. A. Ruderer, S. M. Prams, M. Rawolle, Q. Zhong, V. Körstgens, and P. Müller-Buschbaum, Rev. Sci. Instr. 81, 105105 (2010)
  [6] C. G. Schroer, M. Kuhlmann, S. V. Roth, and R. Gehrke, N. Stribeck and A. Almendarez-Camarillo, B. Lengeler, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 164102 (2006)
  [7] M. Kuhlmann, J. M. Feldkamp, J. Patommel, S. V. Roth, A. Timmann, R. Gehrke, Peter Müller-Buschbaum and C. G. Schroer, Langmuir  25, 7241 (2009)
  [8] S.V. Roth, G. Herzog, V. Körstgens, A Buffet, M. Schwartzkopf, J. Perlich, M. M. Abul Kashem, R. Döhrmann, R. Gehrke, A. Rothkirch, K. Stassig, W. Wurth, G. Benecke, C. Li, P. Fratzl, M. Rawolle and P. Müller-Buschbaum, J. Phys: Cond. Matter, accepted (2011)
  [9] E. Metwalli, J.-F. Moulin, J. Perlich, W. Wang, A. Diethert, S. V. Roth and P. Müller-Buschbaum, Langmuir 25, 11815 (2009)

 Dr. Stephan Roth
  Since Apr. 2006  Staff scientist & Work package leader MiNaXS beamline at PETRA III
June 2004 - Apr. 2006  Beamline Responsible of BW4/HASYLAB; µGISAXS, GIUSAXS & GISAXS on nanostructured polymeric, noble metal, colloidal and composite materials; TUSAXS & SAXS on colloidal systems; data analysis via modelling;
  May 2001 - May 2004  Postdoctoral fellow at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) at the Beamline ID13 (Dr. habil. C. Riekel). Topics: R&D projects: µSAXS and in particular µGISAXS; Monte-Carlo modelling applied to soft condensed matter; participation in future development of micro-focussing optics
  Apr. 2001  Degree (Promotion) Dr. rer. nat. at the Technische Universität München. Title of the PhD-thesis: ''Konzeption und neutronenoptische Optimierung des kalten Flugzeitspektrometers am FRM-II''. Grade: Summa cum Laude
  Jan. 1998 – Apr. 2001  PhD student at Physik-Department E13 (Prof. Dr. W. Petry), Technische Universität München. Topics: Design and neutron optical optimization of the time-of-flight spectrometer with cold neutrons at the new neutron source Forschungsreaktor München II (FRM-II); experiments on glass-forming liquids and superfluid 4Helium at time-of-flight spectrometers.
  Nov. 1997  Degree as Diplom-Physiker. Title of diploma thesis: ''Abschrecken aus dem unterkühlten Zustand''. Grade: Sehr gut
  Nov. 1996 – Nov. 1997  Diploma thesis at the Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik (Prof. Dr. K. Maier), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Topic: Undercooled pure metallic melts; design, build-up and testing of a modified splatcooling apparatus combined with a levitation stage.