报告题目( No. PSLAB127-PS2012-05):Elastically-Driven Turbulent Flow and Polymer Stretching |
报 告 人:Prof. Victor Steinberg |
单 位:Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
报告时间:2012年4月20日(星期五)上午9:30 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术厅(410房间) |
Flow of a visco-elastic polymer solution can become quite irregular even at low velocity, high viscosity, and in a small vessel. The flow resistance increases by a factor of about twenty and can be compared to turbulent flow in a pipe at high Reynolds numbers, the velocity power spectra show algebraic decay, and mixing is enhanced many orders of magnitude. While the Reynolds number may be arbitrary low, the observed flow shows main features of developed turbulence. Thiselastic turbulenceis accompanied by significant stretching of the polymer molecules. By studying dynamics and statistics of stretching of DNA molecules with known elastic properties in elastic turbulence created by the unlabeled molecules we for the first time are able to quantitatively estimate elastic stresses. This information is used to disprove theory of elastic turbulence based on a model of polymers with linear elasticity. |
报告人介绍 |
Prof. Victor Steinberg |
1962 M.A. Mechanical Engineering, Kharkov Polytechnical Institute, USSR Awards: Area of Interest: Publications:
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