报告题目一:Critical scaling of thermal systems near jamming (No. PSLAB130-PS2012-08) |
报 告 人:徐宁 教授 |
单 位:中国科学技术大学物理系 |
报告时间:2012年05月21日(星期一)上午9:30 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术厅(410房间) |
A liquid jams into an amorphous solid, e.g. glass, when it is quickly quenched or compressed. At zero temperature and shear stress, packings of frictionless spheres undergo the jamming transition at a critical-like point J in the framework of the jamming phase diagram. The criticality of Point J has been extensively studied recently. Recent experiments and simulations have shown that in the vicinity of Point J at T > 0, the first peak of the pair distribution function exhibits a maximum at a crossover volume fraction (pressure) varying with the temperature. We find that this crossover is accompanied with apparent changes of material properties. Surprisingly, multiple quantities show critical scaling collapse, implying the criticality of Point J. Therefore, the structural signature shown at the crossover contains important physics. We also find that isostaticity still controls the flattening of the density of vibrational states, a special feature of the T = 0 jamming transition, in thermal colloidal systems. We thus propose a phase diagram to state the complexity during the formation of amorphous solids such as glasses. |
报告人介绍 |
徐宁 教授 |
中国科学技术大学物理系、微尺度物质科学国家实验室、中科院软物质化学重点实验室教授,博士生指导教师。2005年获美国Yale大学机械工程系工程学博士学位。2000至2005年任美国Yale大学机械工程系助研,2006至2009年在美国Pennsylvania大学物理天文系和Chicago大学James-Franck研究院任博士后研究员,2009年至2010年任香港中文大学物理系研究助理教授。2010年起任中国科学技术大学物理系教授。主要从事无定形系统,如:玻璃、胶体、颗粒物质、泡沫等系统的Jamming、玻璃化转变、流变和非平衡态统计物理的研究,目前在Nature和Phys. Rev. Lett.等期刊上发表研究论文20余篇。
报告题目二:Molecular Theories of Segmental Dynamics and Mechanical Response in Polymer Glasses(No. PSLAB131-PS2012-09) |
报 告 人:陈康 教授 |
单 位:苏州大学软凝聚态物理及交叉研究中心 |
报告时间:2012年05月21日(星期一)下午10:30 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术厅(410房间) |
Polymer glasses are ubiquitous “thermoplastic” materials that are widely employed in industry and daily life. Fundamental understanding of their ultraslow nonequilibrium dynamics and nonlinear mechanical properties remains a challenging problem. Recently, we have developed a microscopic nonlinear Langevin equation theory of segmental relaxation and elasticity of polymer glasses and then extended it to address many important issues including physical aging, mechanical rejuvenation, stress-accelerated relaxation, yielding, strain softening, strain hardening, etc. The key structural variable of the theory is the amplitude of long wave length density fluctuations which is directly observable in scattering experiment. |
报告人介绍 |
陈康 教授 |
苏州大学教授。1996年获南京大学强化部生物物理专业学士学位。2005年获南京大学软物质物理专业博士学位。2005年到美国Illinois大学Urbana-Champaign分校Polymer Physics Prize得主Kenneth S. Schweizer的研究组从事博士后研究,参与美国自然科学基金纳米尺度交叉研究组(NSF-NIRT)项目“Glassy polymers & nanocomposites”,研究聚合物材料的玻璃化动力学及力学响应。2008年加入加州大学Santa Barbara分校Polymer Physics Prize得主Glenn H. Fredrickson的研究组,作为主要完成人参与和Los Alamos国家实验室的合作项目。2010年回国加入苏州大学软凝聚态物理及交叉研究中心,被聘为特聘教授。在Phys. Rev. Lett等期刊上发表论文14篇,此外,还受邀撰写了2篇综述文章,分别发表在J. Phys.: Condens. Matter和Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys.上。 |
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