报告题目:Biomimetic Self-assembly of Polymer-inorganic Hybrid Nanocompartments with Biomedical Applications(No. PSLAB162-PS2012-40) |
报 告 人:Dr.Zhihong Nie |
单 位:University of Maryland College Park, USA |
报告时间:2012年12月25(星期二)上午9:00 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术会议厅 |
2000年于吉林大学取得高分子材料与工程工学学士,2003年在中科院长春应化所获得化学硕士, 2008年于加拿大多伦多大学获得化学博士学位。自2008年10月起,获得加拿大自然科学与工程研究协会(NSERC)博士后奖学金资助,在哈佛大学(Harvard University)师从George Whitesides进行博士后研究。2011年起受聘于马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland College Park)化学与生物化学系,作为终生轨道制(tenure-track)助理教授(博士生导师)开展教学、科研工作。近几年在Science, Nature Materials(2), Nature Communication, Nature Nanotechnology(2), Angewandte Chemie International Edition(3), JACS(9),Nano Letters,Advanced Materials, Lab Chip(2)等国际顶级学术刊物发表论文近50篇。论文影响因子(IF) 共计约400,迄今论文被引用2400余次
当前研究兴趣:生物成像与药物释放、微流控反应器、纳米粒子合成与自组装、自组装理论与方法研究、胶体化学、流行疾病检测、 生物矿化与仿生材料等。
报告人介绍 |
Dr. Zhihong Nie |
The controllable self-assembly of inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) into larger specific structures provides an effective route for the fabrication of new materials with unique optical, electronic, and magnetic properties. In particular, the incorporation of inorganic NPs into polymeric assemblies can endow them with new advanced functionalities (e.g. plasmonic and magnetic properties), while preserving the well-established properties of the organic components. Inspired by self-assembly in nature, we have been devoted to design synthetic polymer-inorganic hybrid nanocompartments that mimic viral capsids from the aspects of such as surface, topology, and mechanical properties. These nanostructures may find applications in biological imaging, controlled drug/gene release, biosensors, and catalysis. This talk will present a new paradigm to the organization of nanoparticles into a diverse range of complex hierarchical nanostructures by controlling the thermodynamic or kinetic pathways of assembly, and some preliminary experimental results demonstrating their biomedical applications including remote-controlled release, photo-thermal therapy, and two-photon luminescence imaging. |
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