报告题目:Chemical Composition and Microstructure Analysis of Polymers by Multidimensional Column- and Channel-Based Separations(NO.PSLAB212-PS2015-15) |
报 告 人:Prof. Harald Pasch |
单 位:Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa |
报告时间:2015年8月26日(星期三)上午9:30 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术报告厅(410室) |
Complex polymers are distributed in more than one direction of molecular heterogeneity. In addition to the molar mass distribution, they are frequently distributed with respect to chemical composition, functionality, and molecular architecture. For the characterization of the different types of molecular heterogeneity it is necessary to use a wide range of analytical techniques. Preferably, these techniques should be selective towards a specific type of heterogeneity. The combination of two selective analytical techniques is assumed to yield two-dimensional information on the molecular heterogeneity. References 1.H. Pasch, B. Trathnigg. Multidimensional HPLC of Polymers. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-36079-4 |
报告人介绍 |
Prof.Harald Pasch |
Harald Pasch finished his M.Sc. in Chemistry in 1976 at University of Odessa, former USSR. Then he obtained his Ph.D. in 1982 and D.Sc. (Habilitation) in 1987 in Macromolecular Chemistry at Academy of Sciences, Berlin, Germany. From 1987 to 2007, Harald Pasch worked in Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (Kuwait), Institute of Organic Chemistry (Berlin, Germany) and German Institute for Polymers (Darmstadt, Germany). Since 2008, Harald Pasch took a Full Professor position (SASOL Chair in Analytical Polymer Chemistry) at the Department of Chemistry and Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa. He is the University Distinguished Professor and a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa. |
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