报 告 人:Dr.Philip Caton-Rose |
单 位:Faculty of Engineering and Informatics, University of Bradford, UK |
报告时间:2016年10月19日(星期三)上午10:00 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术报告厅(410室) |
报告内容摘要: Solid phase polymer processing is one method of unlocking the potential of molecular orientation to enhance and tailor physical and chemical properties for given applications. Within this paper we demonstrate the die drawing process as a route to manufacture products with controlled single or multiple properties including Modulus, Yield Strength, density and shape memory capabilities at rates suitable for commercial activities. The process is described in terms of solid and hollow sections using bespoke dies and mandrels developed at the University of Bradford. Example products are demonstrated in terms of shape memory devices for soft tissue fixation (with controlled stiffness, recovery stress and degree of recovery), a novel construction material (with controlled density and bending modulus) and a bearing surface (with increased stiffness, reduced machining and reduced material waste). |
报告人介绍 | Dr. Philip Caton-Rose |
Dr Fin Caton-Rose is a Senior Lecturer in Polymer Engineering at the University of Bradford and is Manager of both the Polymer IRC Computer Modelling Research Centre and Polymer IRC Solid Phase Polymer Processing Group. Fin’s research currently focuses on two main themes, that of solid phase polymer processing (with a specific focus on die drawing) and fibre orientation, dispersion and breakage in the injection moulding of polymer composites. Solid phase processing work funded by UK government, national industry and international commercial partners has been presented at numerous international conferences and registered via patents. Most recent examples of work within the area include a lightweight, high stiffness building material acting as wood replacement for civil engineering applications, oriented polymers for healthcare applications such as soft tissue fixation through shape memory activation and oriented cast nylon with enhanced mechanical properties and reductions in machine waste (46%). Fibre orientation, breakage and dispersions studies have been conducted with the financial support of Autodesk and include validation and parameter determination of fibre orientation models within Autodesk Simulation Moldflow Insights, now default in version 2017. Fibre breakage and dispersion studies include measurement and prediction of fibre breakage along the screw section and an in depth inspection of flow within the nozzle and the effect of fibre content and process history from the screw. Outside of research, Dr Caton-Rose teaches Product Design at the University of Bradford and has extensive experience in reverse engineering, computer aided design, computer aided analysis (including advanced finite element analysis), design and prototyping (including 3D printing using fused deposition).. |
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