报告题目:Biomimetic Strategies Towards Seamless Integration of Microelectrodes in Neural Tissue(NO.PSLAB258-PS2017-15) |
报 告 人:Dr. Xinyan CUI |
单 位:University of Pittsburgh, USA |
报告时间:2017年8月14日(星期一)上午9:00 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术报告厅(410室) |
Microelectrode arrays placed in the nervous system to directly interface with neurons or monitor neurochemicals, have tremendous research and clinical significance. Current arrays experience chronic failure including signal drift and degradation due to the biochemical, mechanical and electrical mismatch between the artificial device and brain tissue. Several biomaterial strategies are being investigated towards a seamless sensor-tissue interface. The first strategy is to camouflage the abiotic implant with biomolecules. A neural adhesion molecule L1 has been coated onto the implant surface showed to improve neuronal growth on and around the implant and reduce inflammatory tissue response and scarring. Secondly, therapeutics to modulate the host tissue responses such as inflammation, degeneration, BBB breach and oxidative stress, have been delivered. Thirdly, new implant materials and designs are being developed that reduces the form factor and matches the mechanical properties of the brain. An elastomeric electrically conductive polymer blend is synthesized that has the mechanical modules similar to that of brain tissue. Soft electrodes made of the new materials showed much better integration with the host tissue compared to the stiff wires. The ultimate solution to a reliable in vivo sensor may be a combinatorial approach that takes advantage of multiple strategies discussed above and beyond. |
报告人介绍 |
Dr. Xinyan CUI |
Dr. Tracy Cui is the William Kepler Whiteford Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Cui is the Director of the Neural Tissue/Electrode Interface and Neural Tissue Engineering Lab. She is also the Neural Engineering Track Coordinator for the Department of Bioengineering Graduate Committee and serves on the Center for Medical Innovation leadership team. Prior to this she was a Research Scientist at Unilever Research US in Edgewater, New Jersey. She serves as a grant agency reviewer for the National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation, Science Foundation of Ireland, as well as the American Institute of Biological Sciences. Dr. Cui holds two granted and four filed U.S. patents, and she is a reviewer for many prestigious journals, such as Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, Journal of Controlled Release, Acta Biomaterialia, Biomedical Microdevices, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Journal of Neural Engineering, Nature Communication, amongst others. Dr. Cui is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. |
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