报告题目:In situ nanostructure studies of polyurethane materials under load. Transformation mechanisms of the hard-domain morphology as a link between chemical structure and materials properties(NO.PSLAB263-PS2017-20) |
报 告 人:Prof. Almut Stribeck |
单 位:Inst. TMC, Department of Chemistry, University Hamburg, Germany |
报告时间:2017年10月16日(星期一)上午10:00 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术报告厅(410室) |
Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) are random block copolymer materials whose properties can be adapted to an extremely wide range of applications. This is the consequence of the fact that the materials consist of 3 chemical components which are chosen from extensive classes. Essential for the material properties of TPUs is a morphology consisting of hard domains in a soft matrix phase. Today, powerful X - ray systems allow to register the variation of the morphology in situ. This serves to fundamentally understand the relationship between the chemical structure and the properties of the material. TPU materials have been prepared from proven formulations of chemical components. The TPUs are monitored by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) during either straining or melting and solidification. The morphology evolution under load is recorded. Corresponding mechanisms are identified and quantified. The strengths of these mechanisms relate both to the chemical formulation and to the material properties. The elucidation of these relationships serves to predict the properties of polyurethanes. |
报告人介绍 |
Prof. Almut Stribeck |
Prof. Almut Stribeck: 1950, Born in Duisburg, Germany; 1970, Studies of physics, University of Bochum; 1976, Master in physics, University of Marburg; 1982, PhD in polymer physics (PhD supervisor: Prof. W. Ruland), University of Marburg; 1996, Habilitation in polymer analytics, University Hamburg; 1997, Venia Legendi in polymer physic, University Hamburg; 2008, Appointment to Professor, University Hamburg; 2016, Retirement, University Hamburg. Research Topics:In-situ X-ray scattering of bulk polymer; Methodology of X-ray scattering. |
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