报告题目:Understanding of the Process-Structure-Property Relations of Polymer/Nanocomposite Foams (NO.PSLAB272-PS2018-02) |
报 告 人:Dr. Patrick C. Lee |
单 位:The University of Vermont, USA |
报告时间:2018年3月16日(星期五)上午9:00 |
报告地点:主楼四楼学术报告厅(410室) |
Most new polymeric products contain two or more polymers and functional additives resulting in desired properties contributed from each component. The multilayer coextrusion process is a single-step process starting with two or more polymeric and hybrid materials simultaneously extruded and shaped in a single nozzle to form a multilayer structure. Recently, Micro-/Nano-Layer (MNL) coextrusion has been used to manufacture unique optical, mechanical, and gas barrier films, such as brightness-enhancement filters for electronic screens, ultra-strong safety and security window films, and elastomeric barrier films for cushioning bladders in athletic shoes, consisting of hundreds of layers each less than 100-nm thick. Foams can be prepared from any type of plastic by introducing a gas or supercritical fluid (SCF) within the polymer matrix. The applications of microcellular plastics containing billions of tiny bubbles less than 10 microns in size have broadened due to the lightweight characteristics, excellent strength-to-weight ratios, superior insulating abilities, energy absorbing performances, and the comfort features associated with plastic foams, as well as their cost-effectiveness and cost-to-performance ratios. In this presentation, I will discuss my research on understanding the process-structure-property relations of multiphase nano-structured lightweight and smart hybrid polymer foam materials, which have a variety of applications in the automotive, aerospace, biomedical, energy storage, electronic device, and food and electronics packaging industries. Specifically, a novel MNL coextrusion foam manufacturing technology for fabricating multiphase lightweight composites will be discussed in this talk and this technology is expected to significantly reduce production costs by decreasing material usage as well as increasing performance-to-weight ratios through proper microstructure engineering. |
报告人介绍 |
Dr. Patrick C. Lee |
Dr. Patrick C. Lee received his B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and then obtained his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2001 and 2006, respectively. Then he pursued Postdoctoral study in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota, where Dr. Lee was a Research Associate of Prof. Chris Macosko. Dr. Lee began his professional career at The Dow Chemical Company in 2008. He was a Research Scientist and Project Leader in Dow’s Research and Development organization, leading multiple cross-functional global project teams. Dr. Lee joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Vermont as an assistant professor in 2014. Since joining UVM, he created his own research platform on the design and manufacture of lightweight and smart composite structures with a focus on foaming fundamentals, multiphase nano-structured foaming, biopolymer/biocomposite foams, thermal insulation foams, oil absorbent foams, and in situ microfibrillar composite foams. Dr. Lee is a Six Sigma Green Belt Project Leader and has 38 research journal papers (36 published/accepted and 2 submitted), 71 refereed conference papers, 2 book chapters, and 13 filed or issued patent applications in the field of polymer foam processing and characterization, and processing-structure-property relationships of nano-composites. He is the PI or co-PI on domestically and internationally awarded grants from various government agencies and industries. Among his honors, Dr. Lee received the National Science Foundation Early Faculty Career Development Award (CAREER) in 2018, the PPS Morand Lambla award in 2018, the Hanwha Advanced Materials Non-Tenured Faculty Award in 2017, the Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in 2017, 3 “best paper” awards from the Society of Plastics Engineer (2005, 2 in 2011), 1 “best poster” award from the International Polymer Processing Society in 2015.
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