报告题目:Several Topics in Polymer Theory (NO.PSLAB346-PS2023-14)
报 告 人:苗兵 教授
单 位:中国科学院大学
In this talk, I will start with several topics of polymer theory in the theme of statistical mechanics: symmetry-breaking-induced order/rigidity; fluctuation effects; stochastic dynamics/thermodynamics; path integrals. Then, along with these themes, I will discuss several of our related works including global/local phase separation in bulk/finite systems; renormalized theory of critical fluctuations; exact path integrals; correlation functions and thermal Casimir forces for confined fluctuations. |
地 址:中国·吉林省长春市人民大街5625号 邮 编:130022 电 话:86-0431-85262125